Saturday, December 11, 2010

Failed Bluetooth transfer turns LG Xenon Off/On?

Transferring pictures from your cell phone to your computer via Bluetooth is cool, but the really cool part is file transfers can be bi-directional.  In other words, if I download podcasts (e.g. CFHour, Buzz Out Loud, etc.) to my computer in iTunes/Juice/whatever, I can send them to my phone wirelessly and then listen to them on my Bluetooth earpiece during my commute.  Podcasts are MP3 files, which are larger than pictures usually, so they take longer-- but at 120-150KB/sec, it works great.

Except, of course, when it doesn't.  ;)

Today, for example, I downloaded a backlog of nine podcasts, and when I tried to transfer them, something odd happened. About 12KB of the first file transferred, and then suddenly my phone "rebooted."  Naturally, the file transfer timed out, so I waited until my phone was back to its main screen and tried again. Same result.  So I tried transferring only the first file individually, and that worked-- so I knew it wasn't something corrupt in the data of the first file that was causing the issue.

It turns out that if the storage card I have in my phone (which is where I have my various pictures, music files and such stored) has less free space available than what I am trying to send, my phone just "reboots" itself.  If I delete some old podcasts and make room, everything works smoothly again.

I figure other folks are probably experiencing the same thing and scratching their heads, so maybe this post will help them out.

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