Sunday, November 4, 2007

Javascripts work better when you remember to include them

I have no delusions of grandeur when it comes to my website traffic. When the number of automated webcrawler bots outnumbers visitors who actually require oxygen in order to survive, you get a pretty clear picture of how unimportant you are in the grand scheme of things. ;)

But I knew something was wrong when I pulled up my Google Analytics and I have zero visitors for the entire month of October. Heck, I visit my blog at least once a week, and I didn't set up any filter to ignore my visits!

It turns out, with all the template revising-- trying to get the page into valid HTML shape and all-- I wound up removing the piece of Javascript that Google Analytics uses to gather site visitor data! LMAO!

I'm such a numbnutz sometimes, honestly. Needless to say, I've restored the code now.