Tuesday, August 21, 2007

168 hours?!

I'm sitting here, looking at my blog, wondering how on earth it is even remotely possible that nearly an entire week has gone by since I last made an entry.

There was a time, not that long ago in the grand scheme of things, when I blogged compulsively nearly every day. I think part of it was that I had gone through a very nasty breakup and lost many people in my so-called "circle of friends." I wound up spending a lot of time blogging/journaling as a form of nepenthe. (If you don't know what that means, look it up, kid! :P)

But, time has passed. And, either I've got nothing left to say or I'm less willing to put just anything up on the wire.

I did, I should mention, spend several hours re-adjusting this blog so that it actually validates as proper HTML again. I know, I know-- unless you happen to be a serious web dweeb, that's no consolation for the lack of new content.

It's somewhat frustrating, actually. I'm a web development professional, so I try to advocate web standards wherever I go . . . and yet, popular tools such as Blogger almost never generate valid HTML. You literally have to use classic templates, turn off all but the most basic of features (using comments, for example, introduces links with un-encoded ampersands in the URLs, which fail to validate), in order to get your page successfully through a validator.

I'm of two minds on this. One says, screw all the bells and whistles and stick with a bare bones blog that validates. Campaign for the folks at Blogger to re-tool their features until they can be included in valid HTML. The other says, sell out and use all the sexy features like polls and YouTube includes and more, and just get as many eyeballs as you can on the web site.

Hmm. Stick to your guns and live in pretty much total web obscurity, or sell out and be popular.

Shit. I'm back in f*cking high school again, aren't I?