Wednesday, June 30, 2010

CFUnited 2010

As you've most likely seen elsewhere, this will be the final year for the CFUnited conference.  I know many people are feeling sad or nostalgic, which is understandable.  CFUnited has been a part of the Coldfusion community for several years now, and many wonderful people have given their talents and efforts to make this event a continued, recurring success.

As a latecomer to the entire Coldfusion conference scene (CFUnited 2009 was my first Coldfusion conference), it's hard to express how I feel about this news without feeling hypocritical.  The nearest analogy I can come up with is that "loud and scary" uncle you see once a year at the family summer reunion picnics.  By the time you grow up enough to see that uncle isn't truly scary and has some amazing stories to share-- he's gone.  It's not a profound and personal loss, but more of a missed opportunity to learn beyond my own personal limits.

My metaphorical point being-- this will not be the last family reunion picnic, but future picnics will almost certainly be different.  Make the most of this one.  Find that "loud and scary uncle" and ask him to tell you about serving as a Flying Tiger during World War II.  It's a metaphor, indulge me.  (Go out of your way to say hello and introduce yourself to people. Take a chance on a session you might not normally take. Exchange contact information so you can keep in touch.)