Monday, August 25, 2008

Driving home from work today, an aggressive driver in a light tan Sienna (VA tags JDE-2781) nearly forced me off the road and into a ditch. I considered reporting this to the police, but past experiences have led me to believe this is a waste of time.

So-- I figured, why don't I publish the jerk's license plate on the Internet, along with a description of his vehicle? Then, as I thought about it more, I realized it would be even better if I could create some kind of web-based application that people could use to "report" dangerous and/or aggressive drivers. Not "report" as in "turn over to the authorities," but "report" as in publicly shame a la "The Scarlet Letter."

Turns out I'm not the only person thinking along these lines-- and someone already beat me to the punch. I'm talking about, the site which allows you to post notices (good or bad) about specific license plates. It's an intriguing concept, and has a surprising number of features. You have to create an account with a valid email address, which is a good way to reduce the potential for abuse/slander/libel.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to create an account so I can give a BIG RED FLAG to Mr. Tan Sienna Van Man.

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