Sunday, May 4, 2008

Snoop Dogg - great rapper, not-so-much action film star

I hope that Snoop Dogg never decides to jump from the whole rap game into the "action-buddy film" genre. I just don't see any way that could go well.

Take, for example, the inevitable "I've just discovered an explosive device that is a mere seconds away from detonation and need to warn everyone before it goes off" scene:


(bends over to retrieve dropped SIDEKICK PHONE; eyes widen as he sees THE BOMB)

What the fi-zzle? Yo, MC-Fizzle, I tizzle I found a bomb-izille, for shizzle!




I sizzle I fizzle a bomb-izille, you wizzle?


I can't understand a freakin' word you just said!

(EARTH SHATTERING KABOOM as THE BOMB detonates, killing everyone-- roll the credits)

I do think, however, he'd make for a hysterical villain in the Austin Powers films, Fo' shizzle.

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