Thursday, May 22, 2008

An OS Transplant For My eee PC?

I'm still pretty happy with the eee PC, but there are some limitations-- with only 4 GB of permanent storage space, it doesn't take much in terms of software updates or installing additional packages, to burn through the remaining empty space pretty quickly. My recent reading research also indicated that some tweaks ASUS made to the Xandros distribution would prevent it from using more than 1 GM of RAM. Granted, I've never thought about boosting the RAM higher, but it would be nice to have that option as a possibility if the need should arise. Then there are all the warnings about not being able to use generic Debian packages with the ASUS eee PC, due to customizations of the linux distro it uses.

With all these quirks, I think it's time to consider installing something else besides Xandros.

It's got to be small, use the 2.6 kernel-- what else, I wonder?

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