Wednesday, March 26, 2008

When Words Forsake Us

Why don't the words ever come out right-- like the way they were in my head before I foolishly sat down in front of this laptop? I could blame the machine-- it's too slow, I can't get the words out fast enough, but we all know that is a lie. It isn't the machine; it's us.

I wanted to write a blog entry about the real world, and the mental models of the world that we carry around in our heads. I wanted to write about how the real world is always changing, and we are always in the process of evaluating and updating our mental models-- but sometimes we get it wrong. Maybe it's a simple, like getting horizontal and vertical switched round wrong the first time we learned it-- or maybe it's more complex and persistent distortion that colors our perception of reality. (Can someone who is color blind know what "taupe" is?)

But the words will not come out properly. Maybe this is a good thing-- like an internal safety mechanism. "Don't go there; madness lies that way!"

It is, however, quite frustrating.

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