Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Maybe I'm becoming ADD?

It's strange, but recently I've noticed I have more difficulty focusing on one task for an extended period of time. I can point to one million excuses-- too much caffeine, chaotic home environment, too many interruptions from too many directions, etc. But, all excuses aside, I'm beginning to wonder slightly if there isn't some subtle changes going on in my mental state.

This evening, I wasn't able to solve a three-star Sudoku puzzle. Less than a year ago, I was cracking diabolical Sudokus in marathon sessions that lasted two to three hours. Today, I quit in disgust when I found I couldn't remember the number I'd just "scanned" for in the grid.

I'm sure it's temporary. It is just that right now my mind is stretched between so many different things-- trying to figure out XML/XSLT/XQuery at work, trying to help my friend learn Java (and that is a story for another night). Once some of this craziness passes (or I grow a backbone and tell certain people who waste my time and energy to piss off), I expect my concentration will return to normal.

Shit, even the quality of writing in this blog entry seems pathetic to me right now. ;)

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