Seth Godin opines we don't have enough digital coaches in the world. It's time-- people need them, the marketing tools are there, etc.
He's probably right. Most people use about 10% of their software's feature set, and consider the other 90% too arcane to be bothered about studying. I worked in an office where people kept accidentally overwriting each other's data because they didn't know about the "Share Workbook" feature in Excel-- and that was an IT shop!
This gets me thinking-- with Blogger's integration with YouTube, it'd be easy to create some screen video captures, complete with narration on how to do things like, share workbooks in Excel. Throw out some free samples, and then give access to the "premium content" to monthly subscribers. If things go well, hire other folks to help generate the content-- maybe a specialist for each MS Office application. I even have a catchy name for the company/website: Teknowledgy!
Naturally, I didn't find out that there was already a blogspot blog by that same name (since 2004, no less) until after I started kicking around the text treatment: