Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Don't complain; we need the rain

It's been raining for most of the day. Considering that we've been in a nasty drought, this is a good thing. Still, I can't help but feel that the weather is having an impact on my mood.

Or maybe it's the fact that I get invited to meetings, asked for my input, and then am completely ignored?

Or maybe it's the fact that my neighbor promised he would clean up that oil he spilled weeks ago, but never got around to it-- so I've just tracked motor oil into my house and on my carpet?

It's time to focus on the positive.

(crickets chirping)

Um . . . I managed to get ColdFusion communicating with the mySQL server on my iBook finally.

(crickets stop for a moment, resume chirping)

I added alternate stylesheets from the W3C site to this blog, along with some Javascript "style switcher" code, and my blog still validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional. (I'm hoping I can use the alternate stylesheets as a demonstration to some of my co-workers to persuade them of the benefits of non-presentational HTML and CSS).

(crickets jump away, laughing)

Just keep reminding myself: "We need the rain."