Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday Trivia

Back in 2003/2004, when I was running this blog under Blosxom, I had a weekly trivia feature every Tuesday. It was one of the few features that seemed to get responses. I suppose everyone likes to show off what they know, huh? ;)

I'm not really sure how this is going to work this time, since I've deliberately turned off comments (thanks to pr0n spammers). Backlinks still work, however, so if you have a blog that supports backlinks you can play along on your own blog. For those of you who don't have blogs that support backlinks, or blogs even, you can send your best guess/answer to me via email (my address is in my profile).

Enough already-- let's get to the trivia! I'm thinking of a science fiction movie released in 2000; it is based (albeit loosely) on a story by Isaac Asimov called "Nightfall." Name the movie.