I rely on RSS a lot.
I keep track of updates on 30+ blogs/websites using RSS, which is a heck of a lot easier than manually checking every site each day to see what has changed. I started off with live bookmarks in Firefox, and that was all right for a while . . . except you could only see the post titles, not the full content. Some bloggers (myself included) don't make great, meaningful use of titles to describe what their entry is about. You need to read the first few sentences to figure out what they are writing about, and then to decide whether you are interested in it or not.
That's when I discovered a Firefox plugin called "Fizzle." (Seems like an odd, inappropriate name to me from a marketing standpoint, but what the heck do I know?) Basically, this plugin turns Firefox into a full blown RSS reader like AmphetaDesk, etc. I was really impressed with it and used it for several months.
Now, all of the sudden, Fizzle seems to choke on Engadget's RSS feed and causes Firefox to crash. Could be something new in Engadget's feed, or maybe something in a recent Firefox update breaks Fizzle. I don't know, and to be honest, I don't exactly have a lot of time and energy to spend investigating and resolving the issue.
So, a few days ago, I switched from Fizzle to Bloglines. I had to figure out how to export all my Live Bookmarks into an OPML file (Firefox has a wonderful little plugin for that too, turns out) that I could import into Bloglines, but other than that, it's been a remarkably smooth transition. I'm still learning some of the shortcut keyboard commands, but at least I can peruse my RSS feeds from any web enabled computer now.